UPDATE from Terry on 10/30/24:
"They have begun pulling my teeth, the associate warden read your BP-9 and was astonished at the dentists disregard about my teeth situation, and through the BP-9 the associate warden (Miss Blackman) even caught the dentist
in a lie when he said he is only allowed to pull one tooth at a time which Miss Blackman knew to be false! She made him begin pulling my teeth which he begun doing 2 weeks ago and will continue doing in 3 weeks. So we won the appeal!"
"Human Value - All inmates have value as human beings and deserve medically necessary health care." This is one of the Core Principles of BOP Health Services, that regardless of their crime every incarcerated person is a human being and should be valued as one and they deserve the healthcare they need. However, based on the story of Terry Miles and so many other Remedy Project members, these principles could not be farther from the truth.
This case of Terry Miles is one where he keeps on begging the doctor to help, to relieve him from the anguishing pain that he is going through.
Terry has 12 teeth remaining, and they are all either broken or ground down to the gum line. He also has areas in his mouth with an exposed jawbone coming out of the gumline. Due to this, he suffers from constant, excruciating pain and infections in his mouth. When he first visited the dentist, Mr. Patton, he told Mr. Miles that he is "only allowed to pull one tooth at a time" and admitted that he was not qualified to fix the current condition of his mouth. Despite this, Mr. Patton refused to send Mr. Miles to a qualified outside dentist.
On June 12th, 2024 Terry Miles went back to Mr. Patton and begged him to help him. Once again, Mr. Patton refused to help him because he was not qualified to perform the surgery that he needed. Mr. Patton stated once again that he could only pull one tooth at a time per month. Each time a tooth is pulled an antibiotic regimen is required. At this rate, Mr. Miles will be forced to take antibiotics for 12 months straight - endangering his health. He has yet to be sent to an oral surgeon and Mr. Patton has openly admitted to being underqualified to deal with his case. He has yet to be seen by a capable oral surgeon who can do this procedure all at once, rather than over the course of a year.
It is apparent that Terry is going through something very painful, and his doctor has full knowledge of what Mr. Miles is going through. Despite the Core Principles of BOP Health Services, Mr. Patton intentionally has not sent Mr. Miles to someone who can help him.
The BOP has a clear and comprehensive policy regarding dental care. It is Terry Miles who has the right to receive proper dental treatment, Mr. Patton, for some inexplicable reason, has repeatedly denied him the chance to see a dentist who has the ability to provide the surgery he needs. Instead, Mr. Patton wants him to undergo a drawn-out process of pulling a tooth a month. This process puts him at risk of developing additional health issues and would prolong his pain and suffering.
He has constant and consistent pain. There is a faster process to relieving his pain and Mr. Patton has refused, again and again, to take this path. It is truly baffling why Mr. Patton would not refer him to a qualified outside dental surgeon, when he has openly admitted, more than once, that he is not qualified to perform this necessary surgery. He has the power to send him to a qualified, outside dentist - yet refuses to do so and therefore is keeping Terry in a state of suffering. Mr. Patton has acted with deliberate indifference toward Mr. Miles's situation by ignoring his multiple pleas for help. All he wants is to be free from this constant and horrific pain - the solution to his problem lies in the hands of Mr. Patton and the Bureau of Prisons.
Therefore, the Remedy Project has filed multiple official complaints on behalf of Mr. Miles who requests to be sent to an outside dental provider who is qualified to remove his remaining 12 teeth all at once, so that he only has to take one antibiotic regimen and that this outside surgeon will prepare the way for him to get dentures. Take action for Mr. Miles and join the Remedy Project to demand an end to the ongoing abuse by Mr. Patton to CEASE and DESIST.
UPDATE from Terry on 10/30/24:
"They have begun pulling my teeth, the associate warden read your BP-9 and was astonished at the dentists disregard about my teeth situation, and through the BP-9 the associate warden (Miss Blackman) even caught the dentist
in a lie when he said he is only allowed to pull one tooth at a time which Miss Blackman knew to be false! She made him begin pulling my teeth which he begun doing 2 weeks ago and will continue doing in 3 weeks. So we won the appeal!"
"Human Value - All inmates have value as human beings and deserve medically necessary health care." This is one of the Core Principles of BOP Health Services, that regardless of their crime every incarcerated person is a human being and should be valued as one and they deserve the healthcare they need. However, based on the story of Terry Miles and so many other Remedy Project members, these principles could not be farther from the truth.
This case of Terry Miles is one where he keeps on begging the doctor to help, to relieve him from the anguishing pain that he is going through.
Terry has 12 teeth remaining, and they are all either broken or ground down to the gum line. He also has areas in his mouth with an exposed jawbone coming out of the gumline. Due to this, he suffers from constant, excruciating pain and infections in his mouth. When he first visited the dentist, Mr. Patton, he told Mr. Miles that he is "only allowed to pull one tooth at a time" and admitted that he was not qualified to fix the current condition of his mouth. Despite this, Mr. Patton refused to send Mr. Miles to a qualified outside dentist.
On June 12th, 2024 Terry Miles went back to Mr. Patton and begged him to help him. Once again, Mr. Patton refused to help him because he was not qualified to perform the surgery that he needed. Mr. Patton stated once again that he could only pull one tooth at a time per month. Each time a tooth is pulled an antibiotic regimen is required. At this rate, Mr. Miles will be forced to take antibiotics for 12 months straight - endangering his health. He has yet to be sent to an oral surgeon and Mr. Patton has openly admitted to being underqualified to deal with his case. He has yet to be seen by a capable oral surgeon who can do this procedure all at once, rather than over the course of a year.
It is apparent that Terry is going through something very painful, and his doctor has full knowledge of what Mr. Miles is going through. Despite the Core Principles of BOP Health Services, Mr. Patton intentionally has not sent Mr. Miles to someone who can help him.
The BOP has a clear and comprehensive policy regarding dental care. It is Terry Miles who has the right to receive proper dental treatment, Mr. Patton, for some inexplicable reason, has repeatedly denied him the chance to see a dentist who has the ability to provide the surgery he needs. Instead, Mr. Patton wants him to undergo a drawn-out process of pulling a tooth a month. This process puts him at risk of developing additional health issues and would prolong his pain and suffering.
He has constant and consistent pain. There is a faster process to relieving his pain and Mr. Patton has refused, again and again, to take this path. It is truly baffling why Mr. Patton would not refer him to a qualified outside dental surgeon, when he has openly admitted, more than once, that he is not qualified to perform this necessary surgery. He has the power to send him to a qualified, outside dentist - yet refuses to do so and therefore is keeping Terry in a state of suffering. Mr. Patton has acted with deliberate indifference toward Mr. Miles's situation by ignoring his multiple pleas for help. All he wants is to be free from this constant and horrific pain - the solution to his problem lies in the hands of Mr. Patton and the Bureau of Prisons.
Therefore, the Remedy Project has filed multiple official complaints on behalf of Mr. Miles who requests to be sent to an outside dental provider who is qualified to remove his remaining 12 teeth all at once, so that he only has to take one antibiotic regimen and that this outside surgeon will prepare the way for him to get dentures. Take action for Mr. Miles and join the Remedy Project to demand an end to the ongoing abuse by Mr. Patton to CEASE and DESIST.