our Vision

The Remedy Project is a youth and impacted-led movement with a simple vision: every human being, no matter what crime they may or may not have committed, deserves basic humanity, dignity, and respect, for the sake of their families, our communities, and our world. By challenging, exposing, and disrupting abuse within the U.S. prison system, we at the Remedy Project are the voices of the incarcerated, the watchdogs of the prison system, and the healing of the nation.
A Human Rights Crisis
Every day, we receive dozens of messages from our incarcerated members and their loved ones recounting stories of neglect, dehumanization, terrorization, denial of proper medical care, and mistreatment by prison administrators and guards in blatant disregard for law, policy, civil rights, and basic human decency. Unchecked, the discretion of prison staff has become one of the most powerful instruments within the criminal legal system in perpetuating cycles of harm, violence, destitution, and despair.
Youth-Led Movement
Our solution to this crisis of human and civil rights is The Remedy Project: a tool, platform, and movement built by system-impacted people and led by passionate youth on campuses across the United States. We believe in empowering a new generation of leaders with deep empathy for and solidarity with incarcerated people, insider expertise and strategic tools to challenge and transform institutions, and the confidence to fight for a more just and healthy future.
A Healthier World for Us All
Using a two-pronged strategy of direct advocacy and public advocacy, we strive to uphold the humanity of incarcerated people and make the crimes of humanity committed against them impossible to ignore. We do not believe that any of our communities will ever be truly healthy or safe if that “safety” is predicated on the dehumanization of millions of people. For the sake of our members, our communities, and ourselves, we fight for a justice system that repairs harm rather than perpetuates it. By exposing the horrors behind bars, disrupting its mechanisms, and humanizing those it puts in cages, our vision is to make alternative forms of punishment not only possible, but necessary.

Our Principles

Defending the humanity of all
Every person is deserving of empathy, mercy, and human dignity. The prison system operates by denying these essential rights from those they imprison—stripping people of their names and identities and disappearing them from society. We seek to restore their humanity, regardless of their past. We are committed to helping any incarcerated person who reaches out to us. The Remedy Project is part of a broader movement for a justice system that leaves no one behind. We know that none of us are free until we are all free.
Led by lived expertise
We know that winning movements are envisioned and led by people directly affected by the systems we seek to remedy. We are committed to incorporating the experience, expertise, wisdom, strategy, and life stories of our incarcerated and formerly incarcerated members in every part of our work. Unfortunately, however, we know that incarceration, probation, parole, and the lifetime burden of a felony conviction restrict our ability to build power. Therefore, we are building a movement heavily informed by lived experience, but driven forward by young people capable and privileged enough to take risks that those most impacted cannot take.
Healing Vision
“Hurt people hurt people.” Cycles of trauma and abuse make individuals significantly more likely to end up incarcerated, which leaves them further abused and traumatized after release. While we fight for an end to the systemic abuse in the U.S. prison system, we prioritize alleviating our members’ experiences of trauma and harm in real-time. By listening, validating, and highlighting our incarcerated members’ stories, connecting them with passionate young people, and doing direct advocacy work through the administrative remedy process, we practice healing.

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