Notes From Inside

“Sick and Tired”: The Case of the Continuous Silencing of Lawrence James Espree


FCI Three Rivers is guilty of the mistreatment of Lawrence James Espree, along with many other incarcerated people living under their maltreatment. On November 27, 2023, Mr. Espree detailed the consistent suffering he deals with on a daily basis at FCI Three Rivers. Specifically, Mr. Espree and his neighbors are being punished for violations they did not commit, nor could have committed, something all too common in the carceral system. 

The incidents began on November 4th and 13th 2023, when the staff of FCI Three Rivers put the entire prison on lockdown for a fight that occurred between two people. Mr. Espree was confused: he was being punished for a fight he not only did not see, but did not know had happened. The lockdown lasted for ten days, and the conditions were egregious. 

Mr. Espree was deprived of all proper meals during the lockdown. He was given a sandwich and an apple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, the sandwich was not one that could have been made on the outside. It consisted of tiny slices of turkey and cheese between barely there stale bread. Mr. Espree could feel himself deteriorating: he was starving after every meal, becoming nauseous throughout the day, and struggling from the impact of missing essential nutrients. His body was suffering from actions that were not his own: he was weak, low-energy, and generally ill. 

Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, Mr. Espree’s treatment did not improve. He prides himself on keeping his space tidy, making sure that he is able to keep up with the cleanliness for both himself, and to ensure he is granted his rightful commissary. However, Mr. Espree’s neighbor does not always keep his space as tidy as Mr. Espree does. Mr. Espree’s commissary has been taken away time and time again for the state of his neighbor’s room. The neighbor is a stranger: Mr. Espree has no physical or emotional connection with the man. And yet again, his rights are denied, he is punished, and his humanity is stripped due to violations he did not commit. Mr. Espree even described how his space is always tidy, only not clean when an officer comes in, tears his space apart in search of contraband. The hierarchy is palpable. 

The staff at FCI Three Rivers did not stop there. Mr. Espree’s neighbor smokes cigarettes, something he has never done. Mr. Espree does not even have access to cigarettes, as the commissary does not sell them. On a multitude of occasions, a unit officers has locked Mr. Espree out of his room, destroyed his space, and had no care for his belongings. Mr. Espree describes this entire experience as “degrading” and “stressful” as the small area he gets to call his own is disrespected, his humanity disregarded.

After all of this, Mr. Espree has not been provided with an incident report of what he was charged with in terms of such misconduct. According to official BOP policy, the discipline process requires an incident report for any punishment unit officers enact. Without following the proper policy, the unit officers at FCI Three Rivers have not only violated and disrespected Mr. Espree, but they have disregarded BOP policy. 

Mr. Espree’s abuse and mistreatment is the story of many. His bravery to speak up and demand his rights be fulfilled on a daily basis is a reason for us to act. Join The Remedy Project today to stand up for Lawerence and so many others like being tortured by our so called "justice" system.

FCI Three Rivers is guilty of the mistreatment of Lawrence James Espree, along with many other incarcerated people living under their maltreatment. On November 27, 2023, Mr. Espree detailed the consistent suffering he deals with on a daily basis at FCI Three Rivers. Specifically, Mr. Espree and his neighbors are being punished for violations they did not commit, nor could have committed, something all too common in the carceral system. 

The incidents began on November 4th and 13th 2023, when the staff of FCI Three Rivers put the entire prison on lockdown for a fight that occurred between two people. Mr. Espree was confused: he was being punished for a fight he not only did not see, but did not know had happened. The lockdown lasted for ten days, and the conditions were egregious. 

Mr. Espree was deprived of all proper meals during the lockdown. He was given a sandwich and an apple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, the sandwich was not one that could have been made on the outside. It consisted of tiny slices of turkey and cheese between barely there stale bread. Mr. Espree could feel himself deteriorating: he was starving after every meal, becoming nauseous throughout the day, and struggling from the impact of missing essential nutrients. His body was suffering from actions that were not his own: he was weak, low-energy, and generally ill. 

Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, Mr. Espree’s treatment did not improve. He prides himself on keeping his space tidy, making sure that he is able to keep up with the cleanliness for both himself, and to ensure he is granted his rightful commissary. However, Mr. Espree’s neighbor does not always keep his space as tidy as Mr. Espree does. Mr. Espree’s commissary has been taken away time and time again for the state of his neighbor’s room. The neighbor is a stranger: Mr. Espree has no physical or emotional connection with the man. And yet again, his rights are denied, he is punished, and his humanity is stripped due to violations he did not commit. Mr. Espree even described how his space is always tidy, only not clean when an officer comes in, tears his space apart in search of contraband. The hierarchy is palpable. 

The staff at FCI Three Rivers did not stop there. Mr. Espree’s neighbor smokes cigarettes, something he has never done. Mr. Espree does not even have access to cigarettes, as the commissary does not sell them. On a multitude of occasions, a unit officers has locked Mr. Espree out of his room, destroyed his space, and had no care for his belongings. Mr. Espree describes this entire experience as “degrading” and “stressful” as the small area he gets to call his own is disrespected, his humanity disregarded.

After all of this, Mr. Espree has not been provided with an incident report of what he was charged with in terms of such misconduct. According to official BOP policy, the discipline process requires an incident report for any punishment unit officers enact. Without following the proper policy, the unit officers at FCI Three Rivers have not only violated and disrespected Mr. Espree, but they have disregarded BOP policy. 

Mr. Espree’s abuse and mistreatment is the story of many. His bravery to speak up and demand his rights be fulfilled on a daily basis is a reason for us to act. Join The Remedy Project today to stand up for Lawerence and so many others like being tortured by our so called "justice" system.