Member Campaigns

The Right to a Medical Diagnosis for Darnell Keyes

Leah Robins

Medical neglect is common practice in our prison system, and Darnell Keyes has been victim to its severe consequences for far too long. During the summer of 2021, Darnell wrote to The Remedy Project to get support in receiving proper attention and treatment for the physical pain he was in. Since 2017, Darnell has suffered from extreme foot and leg pain, and in 2020, he began experiencing back pain and numbness, making it nearly impossible for him to walk. Around the time he contacted us, Darnell also began suffering from stomach issues that caused him trouble sleeping, as well as a blockage in his right nasal cavity which made it difficult for him to breathe. To add to these immediate pains, Darnell had a lump in his right leg since 2017 that the staff at FCI Memphis, where he was incarcerated at the time, consistently failed to address. As is the case for many incarcerated persons, this long list of medical issues did not mean Darnell received proper or timely medical attention and treatment. He repeatedly reported his issues to the staff and, over the course of just a month, these are the responses and situations he was forced to endure:

On July 27th, 2021, Darnell went to FCI Memphis’ health services for the pain he was experiencing and requested much-needed pain alleviating measures, specifically asking for his food to be delivered to his cell because he was unable to walk. This is a common relief other incarcerated persons received in his unit, yet a nurse denied that Darnell was experiencing the reported pain and refused to offer him his requested relief. Darnell was thus sent away completely untreated.

On July 28th, 2021, Darnell requested a diagnosis addressing his pain. However, two different nurses refused to see him at health services.

Unable to receive the medical attention he deserved, Darnell brought this neglect to the attention of his Unit Manager. One of the nurses who had denied him treatment on July 28th lied to the Unit Manager, claiming that Darnell had been seen by a nurse and a doctor. This was utterly false. Meanwhile, Darnell was still in immense pain and prison staff refused to send him trays of food, causing Darnell to have to buy food from other incarcerated persons.

Darnell’s attempt to receive food continued. On August 5th, 2021, he requested to receive food trays in his cell due to his increasing inability to walk. Various prison staff refused the relief.

On August 12th, 2021, Darnell requested medical services because he was unable to move in his cell. His pain was unbearable and debilitating, yet a nurse refused to see him.

On August 16th, 2021, Darnell finally received a steroid shot to alleviate some of his pain. However, this was only a temporary fix, and he still was not given a proper diagnosis or long-term treatment.

Darnell’s condition proved dangerous enough to the prison staff that on August 18th, 2021, he was sent to Saint Francis Hospital. He received a CAT scan and a toradol injection and was told that he needed to see a specialist about his pain.

The system, however, continued to fail him. Darnell was meant to receive a follow-up 24 hours after his initial treatment but did not. The toradol injection wore off, leaving Darnell in just as much pain as he had been in before arriving at the hospital. He continued to seek medical assistance due to the severity of his condition but was repeatedly refused a diagnosis and treatment.

After Darnell communicated his medical neglect to us in the summer of 2021, we filed an administrative remedy on his behalf, as a result, he got the MRI that he needed in September of 2021. The MRI revealed that Darnell has two herniated disks in his spine, causing sciatica that radiates pain throughout his body. The hospital recommended him for surgery.

Fast forward to March of 2023, and Darnell has yet to receive his surgery and is being retaliated against for working with The Remedy Project. Darnell’s continued communication and work with The Remedy Project over the past few years, all of which has been completely legal, has made him the target of prison staff. By simply seeking the help he deserves, Darnell’s legal mail from The Remedy project has been thrown away and his personal belongings have been taken from his cell, including his medications and pictures of his family. He was also transferred from FCI Memphis to FCI Fairton in an attempt to derail his advocacy.

With The Remedy Project’s resources, Darnell continues to fight for his rights in prison, and we will continue to provide the support we can to ensure he obtains proper medical attention. We are also committed to protecting Darnell from the retaliation he is experiencing for working with us, which is done partially by publishing stories like these to share with the world the facts of the situation. Much of the reason why prison staff believes they can get away with inhumane and illegal behavior like that done to Darnell is that they think we lose sight of those inside prison, literally and figuratively. This is why we need to spread the word about Darnell’s story and put all eyes on the BOP. Show those who are neglecting Darnell that we will not tolerate institutionally perpetrated abuse.


Medical neglect is common practice in our prison system, and Darnell Keyes has been victim to its severe consequences for far too long. During the summer of 2021, Darnell wrote to The Remedy Project to get support in receiving proper attention and treatment for the physical pain he was in. Since 2017, Darnell has suffered from extreme foot and leg pain, and in 2020, he began experiencing back pain and numbness, making it nearly impossible for him to walk. Around the time he contacted us, Darnell also began suffering from stomach issues that caused him trouble sleeping, as well as a blockage in his right nasal cavity which made it difficult for him to breathe. To add to these immediate pains, Darnell had a lump in his right leg since 2017 that the staff at FCI Memphis, where he was incarcerated at the time, consistently failed to address. As is the case for many incarcerated persons, this long list of medical issues did not mean Darnell received proper or timely medical attention and treatment. He repeatedly reported his issues to the staff and, over the course of just a month, these are the responses and situations he was forced to endure:

On July 27th, 2021, Darnell went to FCI Memphis’ health services for the pain he was experiencing and requested much-needed pain alleviating measures, specifically asking for his food to be delivered to his cell because he was unable to walk. This is a common relief other incarcerated persons received in his unit, yet a nurse denied that Darnell was experiencing the reported pain and refused to offer him his requested relief. Darnell was thus sent away completely untreated.

On July 28th, 2021, Darnell requested a diagnosis addressing his pain. However, two different nurses refused to see him at health services.

Unable to receive the medical attention he deserved, Darnell brought this neglect to the attention of his Unit Manager. One of the nurses who had denied him treatment on July 28th lied to the Unit Manager, claiming that Darnell had been seen by a nurse and a doctor. This was utterly false. Meanwhile, Darnell was still in immense pain and prison staff refused to send him trays of food, causing Darnell to have to buy food from other incarcerated persons.

Darnell’s attempt to receive food continued. On August 5th, 2021, he requested to receive food trays in his cell due to his increasing inability to walk. Various prison staff refused the relief.

On August 12th, 2021, Darnell requested medical services because he was unable to move in his cell. His pain was unbearable and debilitating, yet a nurse refused to see him.

On August 16th, 2021, Darnell finally received a steroid shot to alleviate some of his pain. However, this was only a temporary fix, and he still was not given a proper diagnosis or long-term treatment.

Darnell’s condition proved dangerous enough to the prison staff that on August 18th, 2021, he was sent to Saint Francis Hospital. He received a CAT scan and a toradol injection and was told that he needed to see a specialist about his pain.

The system, however, continued to fail him. Darnell was meant to receive a follow-up 24 hours after his initial treatment but did not. The toradol injection wore off, leaving Darnell in just as much pain as he had been in before arriving at the hospital. He continued to seek medical assistance due to the severity of his condition but was repeatedly refused a diagnosis and treatment.

After Darnell communicated his medical neglect to us in the summer of 2021, we filed an administrative remedy on his behalf, as a result, he got the MRI that he needed in September of 2021. The MRI revealed that Darnell has two herniated disks in his spine, causing sciatica that radiates pain throughout his body. The hospital recommended him for surgery.

Fast forward to March of 2023, and Darnell has yet to receive his surgery and is being retaliated against for working with The Remedy Project. Darnell’s continued communication and work with The Remedy Project over the past few years, all of which has been completely legal, has made him the target of prison staff. By simply seeking the help he deserves, Darnell’s legal mail from The Remedy project has been thrown away and his personal belongings have been taken from his cell, including his medications and pictures of his family. He was also transferred from FCI Memphis to FCI Fairton in an attempt to derail his advocacy.

With The Remedy Project’s resources, Darnell continues to fight for his rights in prison, and we will continue to provide the support we can to ensure he obtains proper medical attention. We are also committed to protecting Darnell from the retaliation he is experiencing for working with us, which is done partially by publishing stories like these to share with the world the facts of the situation. Much of the reason why prison staff believes they can get away with inhumane and illegal behavior like that done to Darnell is that they think we lose sight of those inside prison, literally and figuratively. This is why we need to spread the word about Darnell’s story and put all eyes on the BOP. Show those who are neglecting Darnell that we will not tolerate institutionally perpetrated abuse.